Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Word

It is the word we dare not speak. In this country that prides itself on freedom that statement is a bit ironic. We dance around it. We flirt with the danger of whispering it. Who will come if we say it? Did anyone hear? Who will take us if we try? Is it even possible? It’s like a dirty word uttered at a first-grade lunch table. Murmurs fill the air after it escapes some careless set of lips. Some remain silent, approving of it only in their most private thoughts. Others pretend not to hear it for fear of being tainted by it. Terror fills the hearts of those that contemplate it.

But not me.

I no longer have fear of the word or the concept or the reality. I have no fear that walls of my life will come crashing down because I already know that they will eventually and I am prepared for it. I know what I will have to do and when. I am not eager to see it come to fruition. It will be a time of the greatest sadness and it must be contemplated.

The word is not like The Word of the bible. God has nothing to do with this word. This word comes from the people and is far more powerful. In hands of the right people, and fueled by their righteous anger, it is far more dangerous than any weapon ever devised. It can blow back the very fires of hell if necessary.

And it just might have to this time.

In the past when it was so proudly spoken by so many visionaries, rapid change followed. Sometimes it was for the better and sometimes for the worse. Either way, something happened. Perhaps this time, if we should finally stand up and say it, we will have the wisdom of the past to draw on. We will listen to our elders. We will follow through properly this time though. You see, we can’t just dust the house for visiting guests on this occasion. No, this time it appears that the walls of our house are infested with the rot of greedy psychopaths.

We must gut the house.

We must say the word.

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