Friday, October 14, 2011

The Exhausted King

I am the king of apathy. Yes, it’s true. I have the unique ability to simply decide not to care about whatever it is that I am supposed to care about because someone or something has told me to. Whatever your cause or concern or need, I do not care. It is a skill that I have honed over the years as a defense against the disgusting society in which I live and all the disgusting people that populate it. Perhaps some may find that sad to read, but I don’t care. See? There was that apathy rearing its ugly head again.

I don’t feel bad about it because it is simply a product of a sick society. That’s not an excuse, but rather a reason. There is a difference. Were I to be born into a world worth admiring maybe I would care. But how do you care about a world populated with apathetic people? I am a hypocrite, too. But can you blame me? Look around at what we as a species have become. More specifically, just look at the United States. At one time it was a beacon of hope to the world. Now it lay on the verge of collapse while its people sit idly by and await the next Ikea store to bring them trinkets from abroad or talk of who was booted off Dancing with the Stars.

While these same people spin up their adrenaline at 5AM on black Friday to be the first to cross the threshold of the local Walmart in an effort to score that five dollar DVD player they have waited their entire empty lives for, I lay awake and worry about what the world will look like when my children are my age. I wonder how they will navigate this sick little planet and what defenses they will be forced to concoct so that they, too, may deal with the reality in which we all suffer.

If you believe that the affairs of this country will get better then you are fool of monumental proportions. If you think that your vote counts, that politicians work for you, that you are actually free, or that the American dream still exists, then by all means stop reading this and continue on with your life, which to me, is more empty than your head. Fill your soulless existence with all the gadgets, food, drink, and pleasures you can get your grubby hands on. Pull them as close to you as you can and hold them tightly. Make sure that everyone knows that you got yours. In fact, Send out a text to remind them.

However, if you see the reality of what we as a nation, and indeed a planet, are facing then it is time for you to stop being like me. Stop being apathetic to it all. Stop being the sucker that swallows the lies, follows the crowd, tows the line, and upholds the status quo. Start opening your eyes and thinking for yourself because I, and those like me, have tired of doing it for you. I am tired of sleepless nights, meaningless conversations, and hollow ideas.

I am simply tired of being king.

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